Now, do we really think of everything we do, or why we do it specifically, or is it just out of a habit? For instance getting up and going to the shower, it is one of our main habits/routine that we don't have to plan the day around it. Surprisingly even though we don't plan it, IT does! -our little machine called the brain- The details, Everyone is able to control their brain but sometimes IT too likes to control us. So then when it comes to big decisions making, Who does what? and what is the "we" control it referring to besides the brain itself? Well to answer that it refers to the conscience and the unconscious.
If we let our unconscious control us, God knows where we would be now. And again without it we will be so stressed out due to every analysis we would need to make. Thankfully the little dudes called the neurons help map out and organize our thoughts process. For that we are who we are today! We want to make sure that when a big decision making comes our way, we are able to process the idea thoroughly, because based on that we choose the path that directs our present and future.
Every time we try to decide, we plan it out accordingly, even without pen or paper. We visualize the path successfully and decide on our goal with precision without even knowing whether we will be able to reach it. That is the process of taking a chance! Everyday, we do so without realizing it fully. Hence, when a plan does not turnout as expected or a goal is not achieved in a timely manner, we cannot try to blame it on the others because after all it is US who decided to take the chance to compile the idea, we can only hope for our mind to stay focused and direct when it comes to future plans because IT is the boss and without the boss the company wouldn't be running and neither will we!
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